Every year Berlin dedicates a whole week to video games. Besides conferences, exhibitions, talks and workshops, the german Computerspielpreis will be awarded. It's a great opportunity for game developers to connect and share.
Meine Woche begann mit der Entwicklerkonferenz Quo Vadis. Unter der Federführung eines neuen Veranstalters fand die Konferenz dieses Jahr auch in einer neuen Location statt: der Kulturbrauerei.
In meinen Augen hat dieser neue Anstrich der Quo Vadis nicht unbedingt gut getan. Gab es letztes Jahr noch eine große Expo Halle mit rund 30 Entwicklern, die ihre aktuellen Projekte präsentierten, wurde die Expo dieses Jahr auf 10 Stände mit fast nur Dienstleistern beschränkt. Es gab lediglich 2 Entwickler, die ihre Games präsentierten. Ob dieser Wandel dem Konzept des neuen Veranstalters, der geringen Vorbereitungszeit von nur 3 Monaten, oder der neuen Location geschuldet ist, lässt sich natürlich nicht sagen.
My games week started on monday with the Quo Vadis. Under the lead of a new organizer, the conference took place at a new location: the Kulturbrauerei. From my point of view this new look didn't turn out that well for the event. With last year's huge expo area and more than 30 developers showcasing their games, this year's expo was reduced to 10 exhibitors with mostly being service provider and only 2 developer teams. Whether this change is due to the new organizer's concept, the short lead time of only 3 months or the new location is unknown. Nevertheless it feels a little bit strange to attend a games developer conference without booths for game developers.
After 2 days running around the Quo Vadis, I had a day off just to jump into AMAZE on Thursday. The AMAZE is more focused on games as an art form. Besides VR installations, cross media projects and unseen genres, there was also an indie area with changing exhibitors every 3 hours. Furthermore there have been inspiring talks and live music in the evening.
After 4 days of playing, learning and networking it was time for me to say goodbye. Thanks to alle the people, who make this event happening. It was a pleasure to be a part of it and I'm looking forward to be there next year.