SAE Game Jam
What better time to lock yourself up for 48h straight to develop a video game than the Christmas season? And that’s why the SAE Institute ran a Game Jam for that matter. Read More
What better time to lock yourself up for 48h straight to develop a video game than the Christmas season? And that’s why the SAE Institute ran a Game Jam for that matter. Read More
Games and castles - this unity has been the foundation for many great games. An army taking a bastion under fire during the siege of a strategy game, a knight fighting in a shiny armor against a dragon of a role playing game... Read More
Frankfurt is mostly known for its financial industry. But in May the german games developers community comes together to celebrate two days of games during the “GermanDevDays”. Read More
Once a month the GameDev Meetup is taking place at the “Basislager” in Leipzig. The local games development community comes together to discuss the latest games, share their knowledge or showcase their latest prototypes. Read More
Every year Berlin dedicates a whole week to video games. Besides conferences, exhibitions, talks and workshops, the german Computerspielpreis will be awarded. It's a great opportunity for game developers to connect and share. Read More
This year the "White Nights" will be held in Berlin for the first time. The developer conference of the Game's industry has its base in Russia and took mostly place in Eastern European countries in the past. Now it will be the heart of Europe. Read More
Kaum abgeschlossen und schon ein Gewinner. Das Action Adventure „Dead Woods“ von Tim Jonisseck räumt bei den diesjährigen SAE Alumni Awards den ersten Platz für die beste Game Produktion... Read More
Keine Angst, natürlich findet auch dieses Jahr die Gamescom wieder ganz regulär in Köln statt. Wer jedoch bei all dem Messetrubel mal eine kleine Verschnaufpause braucht, kann bei den Jungs... Read More
Nach meinem kurzen Ausflug in die Dozententätigkeit im Rahmen eines Sound Design Workshops am SAE Institute Leipzig im letzten Jahr, kehre ich dieses Jahr mit einer dauerhaften Beschäftigung zurück.... Read More
Früher war ich jahrelang ein begeisterter Gamescom Besucher und habe sogar noch die Zeiten der GamesConvention in Leipzig mitgemacht. Nun wechsle ich erstmals die Seiten: vom Besucher zum Aussteller.... Read More